Gautama Maharishi

Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF) :

Smt. Rekha Sharma, Chairperson of National Commission for Women India, was given a tour of the Adi Sankara Nilayam today, post her talk for the Chinmaya Vishwa Vidyapeeth students. 

Smt. Rekhaji visited the sacred room where Sri Adi Sankaracharya was born and offered her prayers to the great Master.  

Exploring each room in the house Smt. Rekhaji expressed her interest and admiration of the beautiful ancient architecture and mentioned that she would definitely love to visit and stay at CIF sometime in the future. 


Sunday, March 12, 2023. 06:00.

 Gautama Maharishi


Gautama Maharishi  is mentioned in the Yajurveda, Ramayana, and Ganesa Purana and is known for cursing his wife Ahalya. Another important story related to Gautama is about the creation of river Godavari, which is also known as Gautami.

Children :

According to Valmiki Ramayana, Gautama's eldest son with Ahalya is Satananda. But according to Adi Parva of Mahabharata, he had two sons named Saradvan and Cirakari. Saradvan was also known as Gautama, hence his children Kripa and Kripi were called Gautama and Gautami respectively. A daughter of Gautama is referred too but her name is never disclosed in the epic. In Sabha Parva, he begets many children through Aushinara (daughter of Usinara), amongst whom eldest in Kakshivat. Gautama and Aushinara's marriage takes place at Magadha, the kingdom of Jarasandha. According to Vamana Purana, he had three daughters named Jaya, Jayanti and Aparajita.

Gautama is also have said to have fathered Svetaketu with Uddalaka Aruni in the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad.

The Ganesa Purana and Ramayana describes Ahalya as his wife. Their marriage is recorded in the Uttara Khanda, which is believed as an interpolation to the epic. As per the story Brahma, the creator god, creates a beautiful girl and gifts her as a bride to Gautama and a son named Shatananda is born.

The Upasana Khanda mentions Gautama cursing Indra when he comes home and finds Indra in an argument with his wife. It is revealed that she had sex with Indra disguised as Gautama and he curses Indra with 1000 vaginas and turns Ahalya into a stone until Rāma steps on her. Indra is eventually returned to normal after Gautama recites a mantra, and finds greatness in Ganesa that he reveals to the Devas. and Ahalya is graced by Rama's foot.

The Bala Khaṇḍa mentions that Gautama spots Indra, who is still in disguise, and curses him to lose his testicles. Gautama then returns to his ashram and accepts her.

Upanishads :

Gautama is mentioned in two tales inside Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. He speaks to Yajñavalkya with Uddalaka Aruni, Gargi Vachaknavi and other Kuru and Pañcā\ala sages in King Janaka's kingdom to test to see if Yajñavalkya is a great sage.

He also has a conversation with Pravahana Jaivali after Jaivali meets Svetaketu and requests to meet his father. Jaivali promises to grant Gautama a boon, and describes the beauty and depth of the physical world, and teaches him how to perform yajña.

Inside the Krishna (black) book of the Yajurveda there is brief mention of Gautama in the Brahmavidya Upanishad where a sage suggests killing Gautama instead of him in a conversation regarding androphilic intercourse and attractions.




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