
Maharishi, Vyasa/Vedavyasa

Chinmaya Mission  For any goal to be achieved, tapa or penance is required.  What makes a successful person different from an  unsuccessful one is this quality.  But what exactly is tapa or penance? =============================================================== ================================================================ Sunday, 10 Sep 2023 05:30. Ancient Rishis of Bharatham Maharishi Vyasa/Vedavyasa ================================================================ About: Preceded by Jaratkaru (previous Vyasa) Succeeded by Ashwatthama (next Vyasa) Personal: Born Krishna Dvaipayana Spouse -Vatika Children Biological Shuka (son; from Vatika) Niyoga: Dhritarashtra (son; from Ambika) Pandu (son; from Ambalika) Vidura (son; from Parishrami) Parents: Parashara (father) Satyavati (mother) Known for: Vedas Mahabharata Puranas Brahma Sutras Relatives -Maternal Half-Brothers Chitrangada Vichitravirya Religious career: Disciples: Shuka Jaimini Vaishampayana Paila Sumantu Honours

Kapila Maharishi

======================================================================== Friday, 23 Jun, 2023. 05:30. Ancient Rishis of Bharatham Kapila Maharishi ====================================================================== Kapila is the name given to different individuals in ancient and medieval texts, of which the best known is the founder of the Samkhya School of Hindu philosophy. Rishi Kapila of Samkhya fame is a Vedic sage, believed to have lived in the 6th or 7th century BCE. He is accredited as the author of the Samkhya-sutra, in which aphoristic sutras bring forth the dualistic philosophy of the school of thought. Kapila also influenced Buddhism in a big way. Interestingly, several historical figureheads in Hinduism and Jainism, as well as mythical figures, pilgrimage sites and even an ancient breed of cows have been given the name Kapila. The most famous reference is to the great Rishi, with his student Asuri. These two personalities are considered to be the first masters of the Sam

Kanva Maharishi :

========================================================================= Friday, 19 May, 2023. 05:30. Ancient Rishis of Bharatham Kanva Maharishi : ========================================================================= Maharishi Kanva was an ancient Rishi of the Treta Yuga, to whom some hymns of the Rig Veda are ascribed. One of the Angirasas, he was also referred to as a son of Ghora. He is sometimes considered to be one of the Saptarishis (seven most powerful sages). Kanva features prominently in Kalidasa's work, Abhijnanashakuntalam. He is the head of the ashrama (hermitage), which is the setting of the play's first few acts. He is also the protagonist, Shakuntala's, foster father. At the very beginning of the play, he is absent, as he is in penance, trying to please the Gods on Shakuntala's behalf. When he returns, he is delighted to know that King Dushyanta proposed to Shakuntala and so, sends her to his palace, accompanied by ascetics and seers. Plot of the Pl

Gautama Maharishi

Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF) : Smt. Rekha Sharma, Chairperson of National Commission for Women India, was given a tour of the Adi Sankara Nilayam today, post her talk for the Chinmaya Vishwa Vidyapeeth students.  Smt. Rekhaji visited the sacred room where Sri Adi Sankaracharya was born and offered her prayers to the great Master.   Exploring each room in the house Smt. Rekhaji expressed her interest and admiration of the beautiful ancient architecture and mentioned that she would definitely love to visit and stay at CIF sometime in the future.  ====================================================================== Sunday, March 12, 2023. 06:00.  Gautama Maharishi ======================================================================= Gautama Maharishi  is mentioned in the Yajurveda, Ramayana, and Ganesa Purana and is known for cursing his wife Ahalya. Another important story related to Gautama is about the creation of river Godavari, which is also known as Gautami. Children

Bharadvaja Maharishi

======================================================================== Sunday, January 29, 2023. 06:00. Bharadvaja Maharishi ========================================================================= 1.Personal information : Parents Brihaspati (father) Siblings Kacha, Revati, Kesari Spouse Susheela Children Garga, Drona and Ilavida --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.Introduction : Bharadvaja was one of the revered Vedic sages (maharishi) in Ancient India. He was a renowned scholar, economist, grammarian and physician. He is one of the Saptarishis (seven great sages or Maharishies. His contributions to ancient Indian literature, specifically the Rigveda, provide significant insight into ancient Indian society. He and his family of students were the authors of the sixth book of the Rigveda. In the epic Mahabharata, Bharadwaja was the father of the teacher (guru) Dronacharya, the instructor

Ancient Rishis of Bharatham

 ======================================================================= ========================================================================= Tuesday, December , 2022. 05:00 Ancient  Rishis: Samskriti Bharthiya Samskaram: ========================================================================= Some five years ago there was a small news item in a national paper. At that time Jairam Ramesh was the minister of state for environment and forests and he had stated, ”India is losing at least 2000 patents every year on traditional formulations as the knowledge on these has never been documented.” I wondered whether the politicians, administrators and academics actually knew where their ancient tradition is documented and what it contains. There is a big gap between the English speaking academics and the Vedic pandits. The former tend to think that they are superior and represent India’s intelligentsia. However there is great, often untapped knowledge in the other camp of Sanskrit pandits

Bharathiya samskaram ( Indian Culture ) has evolved over the ages by our Ancient Rishies.

====================================================================== ===================================================================== Thursday, November 03, 2022. 06:30. Indian culture has evolved over the ages by India’s ancient Rishis, who at the banks of its holy rivers had ‘discovered’ the Vedic literature – the very foundation of Indian civilization. The term ‘Rishi’ originally denoted the composers and singers of Vedic hymns. However, the Rishi is also a ‘sage’ to whom the Gods revealed the Vedas (knowledge of the eternal truths about the Creator, His creation and means to preserve it). ========================================================================= ======================================================================== The 2 most popular sages of India are: Valmiki The famous poet-author of the epic Ramayana. One of his ashrama was at present-day Bithoor near Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh state, where Luva and Kusha were born to Sita. Vyasa Maharishi Veda Vyasa is th