
Showing posts from November, 2022

Bharathiya samskaram ( Indian Culture ) has evolved over the ages by our Ancient Rishies.

====================================================================== ===================================================================== Thursday, November 03, 2022. 06:30. Indian culture has evolved over the ages by India’s ancient Rishis, who at the banks of its holy rivers had ‘discovered’ the Vedic literature – the very foundation of Indian civilization. The term ‘Rishi’ originally denoted the composers and singers of Vedic hymns. However, the Rishi is also a ‘sage’ to whom the Gods revealed the Vedas (knowledge of the eternal truths about the Creator, His creation and means to preserve it). ========================================================================= ======================================================================== The 2 most popular sages of India are: Valmiki The famous poet-author of the epic Ramayana. One of his ashrama was at present-day Bithoor near Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh state, where Luva and Kusha were born to Sita. Vyasa Maharishi Veda Vyasa is th