
Showing posts from April, 2022

Rishi Angiras

 ============================================================= ============================================================== Saturday, April 16, 2022. 06:00. Rishi Angiras ============================================================== Rishi Angirasa is one of the Saptarishis (Seven Immortal Sages) and the Manasaputra (son born of the mind) of Brahma, and is one of the Projenitors of humankind. Many verses in the Vedas are attributed to Rishi Angirasa. He, along with sage Atharvan, are said to have composed (heard) most of the Atharvana Veda. Through his tapas, Rishi Angiras came to be known as Angira, “shining like fire”. In the beginning of time, Rishi Angiras, at the behest of Bhagwan Sanatkumara, built the ancestral Himalayan cave in the region of Mt. Kailash where Lord Shiva resides, guiding aspirants along the path. Rishi Angirasa and Saunaka, the Householder One of the stories related to Rishi Angirasa is mentioned in the Mundaka Upanishad. A householder by the name Saunaka carr