
Showing posts from September, 2021

Yajnavalkya Maharishi

  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, S eptember 07, 2021. 7:11. AM. Yajnavalkya Maharishi -  Year of birth : 3230 B.C. /Guru : The Sun God, Vaisampayana ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quotes “ That entity (purusha), after enjoying himself and roaming in the dream state and merely witnessing the results of good and evil, hastens back in the reverse way to his former condition, the waking state. He remains unaffected by whatever he sees in that state, for this infinite being is unattached. ” “ This purusha which is identified with the intellect (vijnanamaya) and is in the midst of the organs, the self—indulgent light within the heart (intellect). Assuming the likeness of the intellect, it w