
Showing posts from August, 2021

PHILOSOPHER-REALIST - Sri Swami Chidananda

 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, August 30, 2021. 7:08. AM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Introduction : Philosophy a writer once defined as the conversation carried on by the great minds across the continents over and above the head of the teeming multitudes. This, in fact, it is. The multitudes, therefore, almost entirely miss philosophy altogether. Thus one finds that serious metaphysics and deep research into questions of eternal reality shines as ornaments to the cultural structure of the race but fail to reach down and redeem the ‘common man.’ They are only treasured as precious heritage. Historically we see how the mastermind of the great Vyasa was led ultimately to feel the inadequacy of the classic Vedas and abstruse Brahmasutras for the task of universal enlightenment. The Brahmasutra