
Showing posts from February, 2021

Maharshi Vyasa -Sri Swami Sivananda

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, February 07, 2021. 07:20. AM. Vyasa maharishi’s life is a unique example of one born for the dissemination of spiritual knowledge. His writings inspire us and the whole world even to this day. May we all live in the spirit of his writings! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In ancient days, our forefathers, the Rishis of Aryavartha, went to the forest to do Tapasya during the four months following Vyasa Purnima—a particular and important day in the Hindu calendar. On this memorable day, Vyasa, an incarnation of the Lord Himself, began to write his Brahma Sutras. Our ancient Rishis did this Tapasya in caves and forests. But times have changed and such facilities are not common nowadays although Grihasthas and Rajas are not wanting who are able and willing to place at the disposal o